Luis asked me a question about how to get some info out of koji. We ended up
getting the same kind of info out of the source rpm repodata, instead. It
wasn’t hard with repoquery but once I started getting it, I wanted to find
out how we’ve been doing for a while.

In fedora, we try to encourage folks to push their patches upstream and not
carry them locally. So I put together a little script to see how many
patches we’re carrying per source rpm, on average.

The script is simple, obviously:



patches=`repoquery –quiet –repofrompath=$repoid,$srcrepo –repoid=$repoid \
–archlist=src -l -a | grep patch | wc -l`
pkgs=`repoquery –quiet –repofrompath=$repoid,$srcrepo –repoid=$repoid \
–archlist=src -a |  wc -l`

result=`echo “$patches/$pkgs” | bc -l`
echo $repoid has $patches patches in $pkgs src rpms
echo $repoid has $patches in $pkgs src rpms

Here are the locations I used:





And here are the results:

f7 has 7475 patches in 4226 src rpms
1.76881211547562707051 patches per srpm

f8 has 7991 patches in 4834 src rpms
1.65308233347124534546 patches per srpm

f9 has 9151 patches in 5547 src rpms
1.64972056967730304669 patches per srpm

f10 has 9386 patches in 6406 src rpms
1.46518888541991882610 patches per srpm

rawhide patches has 10278 in 7444 src rpms
1.38070929607737775389 patches per srpm

So we’ve been improving from release to release. Not a lot of improvement
between f8 and f9 but still some. All in all, I’m pretty happy about that.

As a contrast I also ran it on centos4.7 and centos5.3. Now, these two
distros have to carry a lot of patches in order to maintain backward compat
with their original versions:

centos 4.7 has 8446 patches in 876 src rpms
9.64155251141552511415 patches per srpm

centos 5.3 has 10238 patches in 1186 src rpms
8.63237774030354131534 patches per srpm

That looks about right, I think.

Maybe this is useful trivia, maybe not, but it was interesting nevertheless.

Update:  Josh Boyer pointed out that my script didn’t pick up patches named *.diff so I changed the script and here are the results:

f7 has 7648 patches in 4226 src rpms
1.80974917179365830572 patches per srpm

f8 has 8191 patches in 4834 src rpms
1.69445593711212246586 patches per srpm

f9 has 9350 patches in 5547 src rpms
1.68559581755904092302 patches per srpm

f10 has 9595 patches in 6406 src rpms
1.49781454886044333437 patches per srpm

rawhide-src has 10548 patches in 7444 src rpms
1.41698011821601289629 patches per srpm

same ballpark afaict.

presto tests

April 16, 2009

In an unprecedented turn of events the presto test day went shockingly smoothly. A little problem with the x86_64 repo being made available but we managed to squeak out a solution that worked in the interim.

But more to the point things seemed to work. Not a lot of things broke (well, fine, some broke the day before yesterday but we got those fixed. 🙂

but today there were a fair number of testers and fairly few actual errors.

Thanks goes to jlaska, jhutar, psklenar, and jdieter for making it all happen.