
July 26, 2012

If you’ve been following my blog you’ve probably seen most of what I’m working on. However, at the request of my manager (hi Tom!) I wanted to collect what I’ve been working on and why. So I decided to put the pieces together on the fedora wiki:

If you’d like to help or to discuss email me or discuss on the fedora buildsys list.

fudcon day 1

January 14, 2012

a. infrastructure staging will perish:

1. Kill staging branch – identify what we want from staging to be in our ‘master’
a. copy staging branch to a subdir
b. kill staging branch
c. copy in pieces we care about a bit at a time – as needed.
2. move all .stg. boxes to ‘production’ puppet environment.
3. all boxes we maintain are ‘production’ from a configtest/pkging standpoing
4. app development moves to partial silos and/or openshift to do their code testing
then moved to production like a normal app deployment – rpm + config changes.

b. 2fa will start being implemented for users of sudo

c. if we are very good, smolt will find a new home. Maybe in openshift?

d. happy to meet pknirsch the guy in charge of the packaging team and hear of his evil plans to make my (and many other people’s) lives better.

Been seeing a lot of random spam from known people on gmail accounts recently. People whose accounts got phished or brute-force-cracked or what-not.

I’d like to suggest folks using gmail look HARD at using this:

it’s easy to setup and once you have it in place you’ve just made things much, much harder for folks to abuse. Not impossible, you’re not completely safe. But you are in a better position than you were before.

(caveat please don’t blame me b/c the guy in this video desperately needs to shave, it drove me nuts, too)



May 4, 2011

or is it a canard?

or is it maybe a red fish?

so hard to tell these days.

just ignore this.

Recording this for posterity – in case I forget.

date +%F --date=@`rpm -qa --qf '%{installtime}\n' | sort -nr | tail -1`

ipv4 addresses

February 3, 2011

I’ll get back to fudcon recap in a bit – but I wanted to ask a silly question about ipv4 addresses:


Why are people worried about address exhaustion in ipv4? If you take a look through the class-a allocations you’ll notice that 6 of the class As are allocated to the US department of Defense in one form or another.

So I’ve got to ask: why does the military need to have 96 million public, routable, ip addresses?

96 million seems like a largish number to me.

It is, in fact, 1 ip for roughly every 3 americans.

If they are giving an ip to every device they have, I could sorta understand it – but I really don’t want them giving public, routable, ips to everyone of them, especially the weapons. 🙂

in the same vein – someone could explain to me why mit needs  16 million addresses? What do they have 1000 public devices per student/prof/staff? Somehow I doubt that.

boggles my mind.


This is a note to all companies or projects or people considering working on some sort of  systems administration tool or platform or interface.


Here’s why:

Red Hat




These companies use python for an OVERWHELMING number of items in their sysadmin/build/deploy/maintenance tooling. A massive amount of their code is already in python. They can work with it, you can import their modules, and you don’t have to yet another frelling language installed just to maintain your systems.

So when confronted with a choice of a language don’t think about it anymore than python.

life update

May 6, 2010

1. my right elbow has a small fracture on the radial ulna head which means I get to do nothing for 6 weeks and do PT. Fun!

2. Eunice’s bike came intoday and it’s very hard to generate 30ftlbs of torque with a broken elbow. so. Victor came by and generated 30lbs of torque for us.

Victor got a new bike, too.

Eunice got a new bike, victor got a new bike.

I wanna new bike, everyone else got one.

kopers/ppas progress

March 26, 2010

We had a meeting on wednesday about kopers and what they all meant and whether or not fedora should encourage or discourage such things.

We didn’t really decide any of those things but Toshio and I came up with two pieces of the  whole system to work on that, even if we decide kopers are a bad idea, will still be useful things to have written:

1. an authenticated task scheduler using python/tg and/or possibly amqp

2. a way to build inside a vm instead of only inside a chroot.

Toshio is working 1 and I’m working on 2.

fedora poker chips

December 8, 2009

fedora poker chips

Originally uploaded by skvidal

more detailed blog entry soon, still composing the thoughts, but receiving these was a highlight of fudcon this year. Thanks to inode0 for making them. These will be in a special place on my desk for a loooooooong time to come.